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November 2016

Beads and Beadwork of the San people, Southern Africa. Part 2


This article briefly discusses bead making, the construction methods of beadwork, and influences of the San healing systems on the material culture of others.

Continue reading “Beads and Beadwork of the San people, Southern Africa. Part 2”

Beads and Beadwork of the San people, Southern Africa. part 1



In the blistering heat, hunting and running down the next meal can take days. So it is surprising that the San had the time, energy or will to make beads. The fact they did, conveys as much about the significance, symbolism and holistic function attributed to beads, as it does about the human need to heal and create beauty. Continue reading “Beads and Beadwork of the San people, Southern Africa. part 1”

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